Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki
For the weapon bench used to customize weapons in Mass Effect 3, see Weapon Mods.
The Weapons Locker aboard the Normandy SR-2 in Mass Effect 2

The Weapons Locker is an interface for configuring Shepard and the squad's weaponry loadouts. It appears as a large cabinet emblazoned with the M-8 Avenger assault rifle icon inside the Normandy SR-2. The locker's interface appears automatically before every mission and assignment.

Aside from the Normandy, weapons lockers can also be found during certain missions or assignments. They are typically found shortly after finding a new weapon, allowing Shepard or any squad members present to switch back to a previous weapon, as newly acquired weapons are usually equipped automatically on all members of the team that can use that weapon class.

Using a locker during missions or assignments also replenishes thermal clips, and full clip capacity may be achieved by repeatedly accessing it, though doing so more than twice is almost never needed.

Changing any equipped weapon, regardless of which weapon or for which character, will remove all active ammo powers from the entire squad, including Shepard's weapons. Be sure to reapply them after switching weapons.

See Also[]
