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Mass Effect Wiki

Location: Milky WayIsmar FrontierAquila System Second planet

Prerequisite: Dossier: The Veteran or Firewalker Pack (Mass Effect 2)
Prerequisite: Ismar Frontier: Prototype Components (Mass Effect 3)


Vecchio is a moderately-sized terrestrial world with a thin, hot atmosphere of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Initial surveys found trace amounts of iridium, but little else of interest in the silicate desert sands that cover much of the surface of the planet.

On a recent tour, the Alliance surveyor ship Kupe discovered a group of partial graves hidden in the equatorial mountain ranges. The ancient skeletons in the burial sites were obviously humanoid but incomplete and poorly preserved, which has made them difficult to identify. Fragments of primitive ceramic grave goods were also found nearby. This raises further questions about who once traveled to this inhospitable planet since the closest garden world, Volturno, has no intelligent life. Human universities are planning further archeological investigations.

Mineral Deposits[]

Initial Scanner Result: Rich

Mineral Amount Approximate Value
Palladium Medium 9,000
Platinum Medium 8,400
Iridium High 16,100
Element Zero None 0


  • Vecchio means "old" or "old one" in Italian.