Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

Commdor Commdor 30 May 2013

Online Passes for Mass Effect 2 & 3 Now Free

Following news that EA was discontinuing its online pass strategy, a.k.a. "Project Ten Dollar", as the transition into the next console generation begins, the publisher has announced that they have begun eliminating the passes from existing games.

This means that the online passes for Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3, the Cerberus Network (which grants access to some exclusive ME2 DLC packs) and Mass Effect 3 Online Pass (which activates ME3's multiplayer mode) respectively, are now available free of charge, along with the online passes for a slew of other EA games (full list).

So if there's anyone out there who hasn't had the chance to download ME2 and ME3's online passes, now is your chance to see what you've missed.

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Commdor Commdor 1 May 2013

Would you play the next Mass Effect game if it is not a shooter?

Having recently purchased the Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition, I've been reacquainting myself with the Fallout franchise's history. For the unaware, Fallout began as a third-person turn-based isometric RPG game for PC, and its first sequel and spin-offs generally adhered to that specific style and genre. When Bethesda revived the franchise with the successful launch of Fallout 3, that game significantly diverged from the old games by taking on a first-person perspective and altering combat to focus on real-time shooting. Many of the diehard Fallout fans were tremendously upset by this change. To them, Fallout 3 wasn't truly a Fallout game.

Now, the development of the next Mass Effect game has shifted from BioWare Edmonton to BioWare Mon…

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Commdor Commdor 27 November 2012

Civil Unrest on Omega

Following in the footsteps of the Conspiracy Accountability League site that preceded Mass Effect 3: Leviathan's release, BioWare has started two Twitter accounts as communication feeds for the Cerberus occupation force on Omega and the rebelling Talons gang on the eve of Mass Effect 3: Omega's launch. Currently, the Tweets are focusing on the Talons' attempt to free some civilians from Cerberus's clutches, while Cerberus transmits encrypted orders among propaganda announcements.

I've posted all of the current messages below. Encrypted messages are followed by their deciphered forms in italics (Cerberus uses the ROT13 cipher).

  • 1 OmegaCerberus (@Omega_Cerberus)
  • 2 Talons (@FightForOmega)

Comm Feed

  • To all Omega citizens: For your convenience General…

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Commdor Commdor 25 September 2012

Omega DLC Plot Elements Leaked

As one could predict, the alleged details of the upcoming Omega DLC for Mass Effect 3 have been leaked. Keep in mind that these details are leaked material and may be incorrect since I can't find the original source for the leak, but they sound reasonable enough:

One glaring inconsistency is that the leak also mentions that Zaeed Massani is involved. Despite the events of Citadel: Volus Ambassador in ME3, Zaeed is apparently working for Cerberus in the DLC and Shepard may have to kill him. I can't figure out how this would work story-wise unless the Omega DLC completely supplants the Volus Ambassador mission, which would make the DLC difficult to reconcile with the story if players have already completed that mission.

Notably, Zaeed working …

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Commdor Commdor 24 August 2012

Mass Effect 3: Leviathan trailer released

BioWare has released the official trailer for Mass Effect 3: Leviathan, the upcoming Mass Effect 3 DLC that will hit next Tuesday:

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