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Forums: Index > Help desk > Thorian help

hi i just got mass effect a few days ago and i have just reached the thorian boss fight and i have a few questions

first, i have been stuck on it for a while and it is super annoying to have to go through all the dialouge every attempt, is there a button to skip dialouge?

second, any tips on how to beat him? (vanguard, most points in guns instead of biotics, companions are wrex and kaidan)

Thrid, can i put off the fight and get to the normandy before i go to his pit so that i can level up a bit? ( i feel a bit trapped down there, im worried that i cant beat him because of my level, specialization, followers, etc. and if this is the case then i need to get off feros so that i can improve.)

sorry for all the bad grammar but i was typing in a hurry =P

On the 360 version, 'X' will skip dialogue.
If you've gone down into the Thorian's lair, you can't leave until it's dead.
I usually use the same class and followers; there are useful tactics on the Mass Effect Guide (look under Feros) but in general: don't let the Creepers get near you, use Throw to knock them over the side to fall down the tower, destroy the nodes as soon as you can, and use cover when the asari clones are around. --Tullis 20:29, September 3, 2009 (UTC)

Thanks for the reply, im on the PC though if you know that button but don't bother looking it up im content.

I believe it's either 'E' or Spacebar. Codex/Player Tutorials lists commands for the PC version but I can't see the 'skip dialogue' option. --Tullis 21:47, September 3, 2009 (UTC)