Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

Prerequisite: Destroying the two pirate bases on Mavigon and Klensal as part of UNC: Hostile Takeover (Mass Effect).

Fortuna is a red dwarf. Its name is Latin for "fate", "fortune" or "luck" and is used as the proper name of the Roman goddess of fortune and fate.

The Fortuna system was initially charted by the Alliance starship Kupe, though only a small probe could be spared for Wentania. One of her crewmen was the poet Sofia Cabral, who was aboard during her tour of duty with the Alliance and who named the planet Amaranthine. Kupe is named after the Polynesian who -- according to some Maori mythologies -- discovered Aotearoa (New Zealand).


Amaranthine is the third planet orbiting the star Fortuna.

Main article: Amaranthine


Maganlis is the first planet orbiting the star Fortuna.

Main article: Maganlis


Therumlon is the second planet orbiting the star Fortuna.

Main article: Therumlon


Wentania is the fourth planet orbiting the star Fortuna.

Main article: Wentania