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Helping Havarl's Scientists

After making initial contact with the angara, you must now gain their trust in order to meet the Moshae and access the vault on Aya. Either Voeld or Havarl would be likely places to start.

Alternatively, if Meet the Resistance is completed first:
You have earned the angara's trust on Voeld, but more can be done to establish a relationship on Havarl.


Prerequisite: A Trail of Hope I

This mission is acquired after initiating official first contact with the angara on Aya.


Travel to Havarl[]

Go to Havarl on the Galaxy Map. You'll arrive in the outskirts southwest of Pelaav Research Station, and this is your landing zone on the world in subsequent visits.

Make contact with the scientists at Pelaav[]

Arrival on Havarl

Move straight ahead across the broken bridge to Pelaav Research Station. Inside the main building, talk to Kiiran Dals. She reveals that the research team is currently caught in what seems to be a Remnant stasis field, alive but unresponsive, and directs you to a Remnant monolith. Next to Kiiran, there is an Ionic Cleaning Chamber that can be scanned for +10 Rd icon heleus orange.

Before you leave can talk to Raashel Vier nearby to obtain Forgotten Stars (initial dialogue with her changes whether you talk to her before or after doing this mission). There is also a lootable mineral cache in the small room with Luj Ansen.

Help the researchers who are trapped at the monolith[]

The building might be decrepit, but the bots are as mobile and deadly as ever

Head to the objective markerMEA Tracked Objective Map Icon on the nearby monolithMEA Monolith Map Icon which is located to the south of the Central Wilds region. As with most of Havarl, the base of the monolith is overrun by plant growth. There are a few Remnant patrolling the site, and you need to dispose of them to reach the scientists safely.

Enemy composition is basic Observers, Assemblers, any Breachers that may be fabricated, plus two Nullifiers emerging from the far end. There's a dischargable supercapacitor along the path of Remnant bots going forward to your team; you can make it explode so they also take damage.

There are two pairs of health and ammo supply caches here; one pair out in front and the other out in the back, beside a door. Hold off from sweeping the area for loot for now; that can be done later before exiting the monolith.

At back of the building beyond said door, you will find three angaran researchers frozen as Kiiran Dals said. Scanning them reveals their physiological state, but doesn't yield any points. Before they can be released, you need to find two glyphs (Magnitude and Verdurous Glyphs): one on the side of the block to the right of the console, and the other on a pillar to the northwest of the console.

Now if only we can use this kind of stasis against enemies...

Once you have the glyphs, solving the puzzle will lead to a short cutscene. For the puzzle solution, see below.

Assistant Torvar resumes his scanning activities like he was never put in stasis in the first place, only to be surprised by the appearance of strangers in front of him. If Jaal Ama Darav is in the squad Torvar is more likely to believe his team was frozen; otherwise he's suspicious of the aliens and plans to report their presence to Pelaav. Either way, the angaran researchers will return to the research station.

Item sweeping can be done before leaving the monolith for efficiency's sake. In the chamber formerly holding the angara, there is an Adaptive Remnant Core Device on the console platform which can be scanned for +100 Rd icon remnant orange. You can scan the giant mushrooms and bioluminescent fungi, but they don't yield any points. There's a small container in the corner space due southwest, next to a glowing plant. Due southeast is another health/ammo supply cache pair. Also southeast, hidden behind the Remnant column with the Verdurous glyph, is another small container. Due east from the platform is a nickel node.

Back in the entrance "courtyard", below the ramps are another small container and another nickel node. On the rocks at the same side as the health cache is an ingredient for Task: Better Crafting as well as another nickel node. Lastly, due west from the entrance is a platinum node, on rocks next to a giant mushroom and a glowing plant.

Return to Kiiran Dals[]

Two of the three rescued scientists aren't using the stasis excuse to get drunk

Back on Pelaav Research Station, you find the rescued scientists have made it back, though they're feeling some mild aftereffects. One of them, Assistant Torvar, reports having seen turians on Havarl (if you already discovered the Turian Camp and spoke to Avitus Rix before, this intro will be skipped), and later he suggests you look into the monoliths on Havarl to stop the world's decline.

Because you came through with the mission, Kiiran wants to apologize for her indifferent demeanor earlier. Jaal wants you to contact Evfra de Tershaav from the Tempest, figuring that helping the research station would allow the Resistance leader to place more trust in you.


You can continue with A Trail of Hope II by contacting Evfra via vidcomm on the Tempest. A Dying Planet is also automatically received.

At the completion of this mission, a Research Center becomes available at Pelaav Research Station.


Completed as a Heleus Assignment:

Completed as a Priority Op:

  • +540 XP
  • +29 AVP AVP icon
  • +2% Voeld viability

Puzzle Solution[]

Main article: Remnant Decryption Puzzle Guide
MEA Helping Havarl Scientists Puzzle Solution
Puzzle Console
Reward: Game Progression