Mass Effect Wiki
Mass Effect Wiki

Location: Milky WayHawking EtaSchwarzschild System Second planet


Etamis is a superterrestrial world a third larger than Earth. It is in a "post-garden" state that clearly shows evidence of attack from space. While now waterless, the shores of former oceans show patterns of cratering too regular to be anything but saturation bombardment by dreadnought-class kinetic weapons. Although it is unclear how, most of the atmosphere has been lost.

Archeologists have found little of note. It appears that all settled regions were touched by the global bombardment. The few relics found suggest an advanced spacefaring culture thrived on the world somewhere between from 20 and 40 million years ago. The level of antiquity makes it impossible to estimate the world's former population, or guess whether it was the race's homeworld or a colony.

Mineral Deposits[]

Initial Scanner Result: Good

Mineral Amount Approximate Value
Palladium Medium 7,700
Platinum High 10,400
Iridium Medium 6,300
Element Zero Medium 6,600


  • The Reapers invade the Milky Way every fifty thousand years, and destroy the most advanced civilizations in existence at that time. If the Etamisians were one of the galactic civilizations destroyed by the Reapers, then this event occurred 400 to 800 cycles ago.
  • The creation of the Great Rift Valley on Klendagon in the Century system coincides with the theorized time span of the civilization on Etamis.