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Task: Local Cuisine

Lexi T'Perro thinks the food on Aya may be safe for Milky Way species to eat. Collect food samples in the city and send them to Lexi.


On Aya, scan one of the fruit-bearing plants in the Memorial Gardens. SAM notes that it could be edible, and sends data back to Lexi.


Scan Fruit Plant Varieties On Aya[]

There are three fruits to find:

  • Elmohk Fruit: Yellow fruit growing out of red trumpet flowers. The fruit themselves are hard to see, so just look for the big trumpet flowers outside the Resistance HQ.
    • DATA: Organic material composed of: Water: 74%, Cellulose: 25.5%, Minerals: 0.5%
    • ANALYSIS: Edible angaran fruit colloquially known as "elmohk"
  • Paripo Fruit: Yellow fruit hanging from a tree with broad bluish-purple leaves. Easily found in the Memorial Garden.
    • DATA: Organic material composed of: Water: 77%, Cellulose: 22%, Minerals: 1%
    • ANALYSIS: Edible angaran fruit colloquially known as "paripo".
  • Quilloa Fruit: Yellow fruit growing out of blue flowers. Most easily found around the Marketplace.
    • DATA: Organic material composed of: Water: 63%, Cellulose: 35%, Minerals: 2%
    • ANALYSIS: Edible angaran fruit colloquially known as "quilloa".

Once Ryder scans the third plant, Lexi contacts Ryder, saying that the fruits scanned are edible; even better news, potentially, most of the food grown on Aya could be edible for Milky Way species. However, she needs a sample to be sure.

Retrieve A Fruit Sample From The Market[]

Talk to Felaan at the Marketplace. She explains that whole fruit are a luxury for angara, as while one fruit could feed one person, turning it into nutrient paste could feed 20. She'll send Ryder to talk to Roaan Aabel at The Tavetaan about nutrient paste, as well as giving Ryder a few as gifts.

Investigate Nutrient Paste In The Tavetaan[]

Roaan will explain the nutrient paste system the angara have and will happily send samples of it to the Tempest.

  • Nutrient Paste Vats
    • DATA: Food processing equipment composed of: Alloy shell: 21%, Electronic components: 5%, Ingestible organic material: 74%

Allow Time For Lexi To Analyze Food Samples[]

It doesn't take much time at all for Lexi to get back to Ryder. She says that the samples have all proved edible, and that the Nexus now has a source of food. The mission is then complete.

